APRIL 6 and 7! Faithfully - Featuring Jeff Salado returns to Washington State to raise the roof at The Point -- this year with two back-to-back shows by popular demand! Rock to the distinctive vocals of Jeff Salado, delivering the signature Perry tone...and Faithfully's fantastic harmonies and dynamic instrumentals!
The Point Casino & Hotel
7989 NE Salish Ln, Kingston, Washington 98346
21 and up!
Tix: https://tinyurl.com/FaithfullyJourneyatPoint
April 6 Faithfully – Experience The Most Exciting Tribute To Journey (Spring Break Beach Party).
Tickets- $10.00 advance. $15.00 day of show
Doors at 7:00pm, show begins at 8:00pm
** Event Center is set up as a Spring Break theme with sand on the floor**
April 7 Faithfully and a Wine Tasting (3-6 PM for wine tasting, show 8PM)
Tickets- $20.00 advance. $25.00 day of show - includes 5-wine tastings, appetizers and a show ticket to see Faithfully - a tribute to Journey.
More info: https://the-point-casino.ticketforce.com/eventperformances.asp?evt=119
This show booked by:
Reese Entertainment
Web: http://faithfullyband.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FaithfullyLive
Twitter: http://twitter.com/FaithfullyLive
Instagram: http://instagram.com/faithfully.live (Jeff) | http://instagram.com/faithfully.live.pam (Panda)
#tributeband #faithfullyband #faithfullyjourneytribute #journeytribute #journeytributeband #faithfullylive #jeffsalado #reeseentertainment
Disclaimer: Faithfully is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by the band Journey or any of its members.
Journey Revisited, LLC, All rights reserved.